24 Hour Time Lapse

This 24-hour time-lapse of downtown Lawrence, Kan. captures Massachusettes Street from midnight of May 10 to midnight of May 11, 2007. Here is how the project unfolded:

  1. Mount the camera on a tripod on the roof of a store downtown.
  2. Set the camera as an intervalometer to take one picture every minute for 24-hours.
  3. Make the camera fire remotely, using pocket wizards.
  4. Set the camera on P-mode. Set the white balance to cloudy.
  5. Triple check your settings and mount, leave the camera on, wrap everything in plastic, and walk away.
  6. Walk by at midnight and trip the camera mounted about 50-feet above the sidewalk using the remote trigger.
  7. Come back the next day and collect your gear and completed time lapse.
  8. Load the frames as a sequence into Quicktime Pro, and export to your desktop.